Our dialog begin with Backy say to Saeed, what are we going to do Saeed says I don't know , I need time to think about the ramifications of blowing the whistle. Ramification are consequences implications something that will happen because you do something especially when you're not exactly sure what will happen if you do something , the consequences of your actions , to blow the whistle means to share information about something wrong or bad that someone is doing because you want to stop it you either telling someone in your company that president or your boss about something that people are doing wrong or you perhaps telling the government that your company , your organization is doing something wrong or illegal , Backy says there are no two way about it this is an Ellient that means there is no doubt it's very clear, this can happen on only one way , there are no different options for us, there is only one thing we can do , that's the meaning of there are no two ways about it, she says if we step up and do the right thing , we are putting up our jobs on the line, she's saying this is what will happen that is no other choice for us, if we step up , that is if we volunteer to do or to participate in this action, if we come forward, which is in frsol verb that means the same thing, if we go to the boss or to the government , we are putting our jobs on the line, something is that is one the line, is something that is at risk, in danger, there is a possibility that you could lose it, to say your job is on the line, means depending on what I do , I can lose my job very soon, Saeed says , but we can't keep quite about this, we can not tell anyone, if it gets out, and we knew all about it all along, we will get into even more trouble, notice, very popular word, get, in english, there are all XXXXX of phrasel verb , two word verb, that use the verb , get, this one is get out, to get out, means for information , secret or private information, to become public, to become known by many people, there are other meaning of this expression also thus in the learning guide, Saeed says
If it gets out, if this news about this bad thing is publicize is people found out about it, we'll get into even more trouble , notice, into , the prep. Connecting with get, to get into trouble, means to be in trouble, to go from not be in trouble to be in trouble, Saeed says , and plus, means in addition, think of how many people would be hurt , if we keep our mouth shut, to keep your mouth shut means not to tell anyone, not to say anything to anyone else, to be quite , this is something I have a great deal of difficult XX doing , keeping my mouth shut, my wife tells me this, almost everyday, Saeed is worry that people will get hurt, if they don't tell someone, he says could we live with that?
To live with means to be able to ta something, is a phrsol verb meaning to put up with something, to be able to continue living your life, Backy says maybe there is a way for us, to protect our interests, and still do the right thing, to protect your interest, means you are taking care yourself, you are making sure you don't get hurt, she wants to protect herself but she also wants to do the right thing, she says then maybe we could be anonymous whistleblowers. To be anonymous means that no one knows your name , that no one knows who you are , so, you write a note to a girl you like, but you don't put your name on the note, the note is anonymous, I am not sure why you will do that , it seems like kind of stupid to me , you cause you want the girl to know your name , but I suppose maybe you want to provide some mystery about your identity is possible, back to the story, Saeed says don't count on being able to remain anonymous , don’t count on means don’t rely upon don’t depend upon it's not for certain , Saeed says when these thing blows up will be in need deep, to blow up here means to become a major problem to be a situation that will affect many different people in a bad way, to blow up has other meaning in English as a phrasel verb, thus are in that learning guide in we talked about earlier, so Saeed is saying when this thing blows up when people find out about it , and become a big problem, will be in knee-deep, means to be heavily involve in something, you are very much involve in it, often it's a bad thing , but you could also say im knee-deep in work this week, I have so much work I can bearly think I am heavily involve in it, Saeed says that's only one thing to do , Becky asks what, he says I have to put my money where my mouth is, and go public and what we know, this is an expression to put your money where your mouth is, it means to stop talking about something and actually to do it , not just to say youre going to run a XXX, but actually to practice a run XX, we use it when someone has finally decided to do something that they are talking about, and also its use sometimes when you get advice to someone, and you need to actually to do something, as part of that advice, im going to help you to find a job, I promise you something, im going to put my money where my mouth is, im actually going to call someone to find you a job , to go public means to share information with many people especially , the newspapers, or the tv news programs, Saeed says
I’ll just have to let the chips fall where they may. This expression, to let the chips c h I p s, to fall where they may. Means to do something even though something bad may be a result of your action, to do something and not to think about , the positive or negative XXXXX or consequence of your action, Becky however says don't be too hasty...H a s t y, that means don't be so rushed, don't do it quickly, think about this decision, she says that's sleep on it, and talk about it tomorrow, to sleep on it, means to think about something over night to go home to fall asleep, continue thinking about it, and next day you make a decision, Saeed says you can do that, if you want to, but I made up my mind, I 've decided, the question is, are you with me, meaning are you going to help me support me , agree with me.
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