IPEVO Tubular 簡單的紙盒外裝 重點就在藍芽 使用、收納簡圖 MIT要支持 Unbox USB(充電用)跟音源連接線 開機、連接、Rock'n Roll... Manual  

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iphone4用的? 通用底座 中國 一次三個 可我只有一台^^" 合照 有編號… 合體 iphone 4的家…  

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精技電腦送來 Wireless Keyboard 很有質感 白巧克力 簡約 金屬風 不錯打的無線鍵盤  

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iPAD來了 WiFi 32G 簡單的紙盒外裝 unbox DBC 傳輸+充電器 再一張 京站德誼購入 2 ipad case Ozaki DSC08881.JPG iCOAT 眾多case 對木紋有獨鐘 就是OZAKI Ipad&iCOAT DSC08890.JPG DSC08891.JPG DSC08892.JPG Ipad背板是購入主因啊 霧面金屬感 簡單 質感  

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PS3+2*HDMI 背圖 開箱 step2 remote control+av+power line+manual ps3 console+dual shock control PS3 and again the back side of PS3 the edge of PS3 then stand up PS3 BD ROM... go through the internet by PS3 Lite-On BD ROM here we go SAW 3D+ The king of speech receive a package from express next see God of War 3 and God of War 1+2 Catch monkey? all of it SAW 3D LiteOn & PS3 BD Rom from... some kind of notice Sony Style box then unbox invoices for ps3 and stand invoice1 invoice2 2*HDMI & MOVE PACK & PS3+Stand MOVE PACK + HDMI Cam back of cam not for sale HDMI Move Controller Move controller 2 another HDMI for 3D Stand for PS3(white) model:2507A stay together nice looking and simple  

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